Dario Grillotti

Dario Grillotti (Viareggio – 1984), after graduating from high school, enrolled in Architecture at the University of Florence, but left to attend the Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Florence, where he is now a teacher.
He has published comics with Mad For Comix, DoubleShot, and Delcourt as a colourist, and has collaborated with Piemme, Giunti editore, Kleiner Flug, and the IBC Emilia Romagna as an illustrator. He is part of the Urban Sketchers movement, and in 2013 he was selected at the “Rendez-vous du Carnet de voyage” in Clermont-Ferrand and was part of the “Disegnatori in cammino” project for the castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza.
In 2021 he publishedIn 2021 he published with Alessandro Bilotta for LaFeltrinelli the graphic novel “La funzione del mondo. Una storia di Vito Volterra” (The World’s function. A story of Vito Volterra)..