The Nabbovaldo Issue

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The Nabbovaldo Issue

Editor CNR Edizioni –
In collaboration with IIT-CNR
Edited by Roberto Natalini, Andrea Plazzi
Size 16,8×24,6 cm, 32 pages stapled, colour
Paper version out of print978-88-8080-257-0
Digital edition
978-88-8080-258-7 downloadable for free
Publishing date October 2017


Nabbovaldo ovvero le stagioni a Internetopoli (Nabbovaldo and the Seasons in Internetopoli) is the comic adaptation, written and drawn by Gabriele Peddes, of the story by the class IC of the Istituto Comprensivo “Sandro Pertini” of Lajatico (PI), winner of the “.itContest” competition launched on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the first .it domain and based on the Internetopoli didactic app.
Internetopoli is the great city of the Net in which the clueless Nabbovaldo, the Internet alter ego of Calvino’s Marcovaldo, an inexperienced boy grappling with the dangers and opportunities offered by a 1960s metropolis, goes to seek his fortunes.
Our story, too, is divided in seasonal episodes that describe Nabbovaldo’s gradual settling into the picturesque and not always reliable theatre of the Net: fortunately for him, Nabbo meets and falls in love (and is loved back) with the sensible Linda, who teaches him how to juggle social networks, passwords, and trolls.

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