Mario Natangelo

Mario Natangelo (Naples -1985) made his debut in 2007 with Emme, the satirical insert of L’Unità created and directed by Sergio Staino. After that, he has collaborated with Il Fatto Quotidiano from its very first issue in September 2009, drawing a cartoon a day.
He drew for Linus for several years, collaborated with Smemoranda, and has created covers and illustrations for magazines and other publications. His books include Pensavo fosse amore invece era Matteo Renzi (Magic Press edizioni, 2016) and I peggio stronzi. La mia guerra quotidiana tra satira, giornalismo e politica (Piemme, 2021).
He received the 40th Forte dei Marmi Political Satire Award, the Galantara Satire Award and the “Premio del Pubblico” from the magazine Internazionale and the European Commission.