Federico Bertolucci

Federico Bertolucci (Viareggio -1973) has collaborated with Walt Disney Entertainment Italiasince 1999 for several publications, including Topolino and W.I.T.C.H. Among his current Italian collaborations we find: Panini, Redwhale, Mondadori, Feltrinelli and Giunti.
He is very active in the French-speaking market, especially in collaboration with the writer Fréderic Brrémaud, with whom he has published numerous volumes, especially in the multi-award-winning series “Love”, which has received several Eisner Award nominations for various US editions. In 2011 at Lucca Comics&Games he was awarded the Grand Guinigi Special Jury Prize for Love – The tiger, published by BD Edizioni.
Also at Lucca Comics&Games, in 2017 an extensive exhibition was dedicated to him showing digital, paper and audiovisual materials, hosted in the rooms of the Palazzo Ducale, and the same year he was awarded the Romics d’Oro.