Walter Leoni

Walter Leoni (Orvieto – 1975) è un fumettista, illustratore e vignettista umoristico e satirico. He has published cartoons and satirical strips in numerous daily and weekly newspapers, including Par Condicio, Smemoranda, Il Misfatto, Libero Veleno, Alias Comics for the online newspaper Fanpage. He illustrated Maurizio Milani‘s book Fidanzarsi non conviene (Barbera, 2012) and is co-author of the satirical biography Bischerock’n’roll – Matteo Renzi: una vita a cento all’ora (Miraviglia, 2014).

In 2020 he published his first comic book for EdizioniBD, entitled SS TATA, with which he won the Changes Award assigned by Lucca Comics&Games as best new cartoonist.

He is considered one of the best Italian humorists.
